15 November 2009

"Knowing for Good (week 2): Teach what accords with sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1-10)

Week 2 in our series on Paul's letter to Titus. Here we examine Titus 2:1-10.
"There are two things, conscience and reputation; conscience for yourself, reputation for your neighbor. Those who, being clear in their consciences, neglect their reputations, are being cruel."
Summary: "Teach what accords with sound doctrine"
In this passage, Paul reveals the kind of supernatural lives that spring forth from a belief in the Gospel. There is a way that older men, older women, younger women, younger men, teachers and slaves can live that confirms the veracity of the Gospel. Our "reputations" are meant to proclaim the Gospel and, because the Gospel is for sinners, sometimes that happens in the midst of our greatest failures. (There is a pretty good story of my "goober-ness" in this one).

Additional Resources


  1. On Sunday you mentioned that some of the words in the passage referring to younger women were adjectives (husband-lover, child-lover). Are all seven attributes in that section adjectives? As a grammar geek, I've been pondering this the last few days. I have tended to think of that list as a list mainly of verbs for me to DO, things I need to work on. Thinking of the whole list as a list of adjectives instead, things I should BE or words that should describe who I AM, is profoundly different. It seems like it is consistent with the theme of Titus, though, that godly actions flow from our relationship with God rather than being something we do from, or for, ourselves.

  2. Yeah most of them are indeed adjectives. Check out this sight, it is a great (free) tool for examining Greek:


  3. That's very helpful. Thanks! It looks like they ARE all adjectives except for "submissive." Figures that would have to be the one verb in the list. :-)
