"We must not call men to mortification, but to believing. Vows and the like to mortify sin, apart from saving grace, commonly make lust more impetuous. If victory is not gained, even for a season, it increases their guilt and torment. Is not mortification without conversion like making bricks without straw?"We will work our way a little further down the rabbit hole of our sin, its roots and our weapons against it on Wednesday, April 21st. Don't give up now men...don't quit, God has much in store for us!
"We must hate all sin, as sin, an not just that which troubles us. Love for Christ, because He went to the cross, and hate for sin that sent Him there, is the solid foundation for true spiritual mortification. To seek mortification only because a sin troubles us proceeds from self-love. Why do you with all diligence and earnestness seek to mortify this sin? Because it troubles you and takes away your peace, and fills your heart with sorrow, trouble and fear, and because you do not have rest through it? Yes, but, friend, you have neglected prayer and reading! You have been vain and loose in your conversion with other things. These are just as sinful as the one that troubles you. Jesus Christ bled for them also. Why do you not set yourself against them? If you hate sin as sin, and every evil way, you would be watchful against everything that grieves and disquiets the Spirit of God. You would not be concerned only about the sin that upsets your own soul!"
John Owen, "The Mortification of Sin" [47, 50-51]
Here are the discussion questions.
Additional Resources
An Audio Introduction to "Kill or Be Killed"
The Lord Looks at the Heart (And the Battle Within) - message from week 1
The Fight for the High Ground of Affection - message from week 2
Fight the Right Battle ... And To Win - message from week 3
A "Kill or Be Killed" summary page (Including messages, blog posts and a twitter feed with hastag #killorbekilledFC or #kobkfc)
A Summary of Mortification of Sin from theResurgence
The Explusive Power of a New Affection - A very important sermon by Thomas Chalmers
Reading Schedule*
March 31st - Chapters 1 and 2 (Discussion Questions)
April 7th - Chapters 3 and 4 (Discussion Questions)
April 14th - Chapters 5 and 6 (Discussion Questions)
April 21st - Chapters 7 and 8 (Discussion Questions)
April 28th - Chapters 9 and 10
May 5th - Chapters 11 and 12
May 12th - Chapters 13 and 14
*please read the listed chapters prior to each meeting.
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