“A man may be sensible of a lust, set himself against the eruptions of it, take care that it shall not break forth as it has done, but in the meantime suffer the same corrupted habit to vent itself some other way...And, by the way, Mickelson was all class ... the contrast between the two was a remarkable lesson.
He that changes pride for worldliness, sensuality for Pharisaism, vanity in himself to the contempt of others, let him not think that he has mortified the sin that he seems to have left. He has changed his master, but is a servant still.” -John Owen
Additional Resources
An Audio Introduction to "Kill or Be Killed"
The Lord Looks at the Heart (And the Battle Within) - the message from week 1
The Fight for the High Ground of Affection - the message from week 2
A "Kill or Be Killed" summary page (Including messages, blog posts and a twitter feed with hastag #killorbekilledFC or #kobkfc)
A Summary of Mortification of Sin from theResurgence
Purchase Mortification of Sin from MongerismBooks.com
The first two chapters of the book in .pdf
Chapters 3 and 4 in .pdf
Chapters 5 and 6 in .pdf
Reading Schedule*
March 31st - Chapters 1 and 2 (Discussion Questions)
April 7th - Chapters 3 and 4 (Discussion Questions)
April 14th - Chapters 5 and 6 (Discussion Questions)
April 21st - Chapters 7 and 8
April 28th - Chapters 9 and 10
May 5th - Chapters 11 and 12
May 12th - Chapters 13 and 14
*please read the listed chapters prior to each meeting.
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