"Ye are complete in Him." - Col. 2:10
Additional ResourcesThe pardoned sinner for a while is content with the boon of forgiveness, and is too overjoyed with a sense of freedom from bondage to know a wish beyond. In a little time, however, he bethinks himself of his position, his wants, and his prospects: what is then his rapture at the discovery that the roll of his pardon is also an indenture of all wealth, a charter of all privileges, a title-deed of all needed blessings! Having received Christ, he hath obtained all things in Him. He looketh to that cross upon which the dreadful handwriting of ordinances hath been nailed; to his unutterable surprise he beholds it blossom with mercy, and like a tree of life bring forth twelve manner of fruits- yea, all that he requires for life, for death, for time and for eternity. Lo! at the foot of the once accursed tree grow plants for his healing, and flowers for his delight; from the bleeding feet of the Redeemer flows directing love to lead him all the desert through - from the pierced side there gushes cleansing water to purge him from the power of sin - the nails become a means of securing him to righteousness, while above the crown hangs visible as the gracious reward of perseverance. All things are in the cross - by this we are purified, by this we continue firm to the end. While sitting beneath the shadow of our Lord we think ourselves most rich, for angles seem to sing , "Ye are complete in Him!." - C. H. Spurgeon, Complete in Christ and Love's Logic, Baker Books 1978
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