Week 9 in our series on Paul's letter to the Philippians.

"One of the tests that can be applied to determine whether a movement is of God - though certainly not the only one - is to observe to what degree those affected are making it their aim to be known for gentleness. In this, they are becoming like their Master." D.A. Carson
Summary: "Stand Firm: Philippians 4:1-13"
After establishing the case for enduring joy in the Lord, Paul turns in Philippians chapter 4 to what will allow us to stand firm in that joy.
Paul contends that we can hold our joy firm to the end if we:
- Let our gentleness to all reveal the true depth of the Gospel in our soul.
- Let our requests be made in the light of the Gospel when we are anxious.
- Let our mind proactively ruminate on the Gospel when we are not anxious.
- Let our expectations be solely on the promises offered to us in the Gospel.
We risk a life of anxiety and self-centered concern if we don't. This misses the point of our salvation and robs us of our joy.
Stand firm the joy of your salvation: rejoice, be gentle to all, pray and think like the Lord is near.
Additional Resources
"Lurking and nourished sins are always a sign..." (D.A. Carson)
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