01 November 2009

"Real, Gritty Joy: Stand Firm" - Week 9

Week 9 in our series on Paul's letter to the Philippians.
"One of the tests that can be applied to determine whether a movement is of God - though certainly not the only one - is to observe to what degree those affected are making it their aim to be known for gentleness. In this, they are becoming like their Master." D.A. Carson
Summary: "Stand Firm: Philippians 4:1-13"
After establishing the case for enduring joy in the Lord, Paul turns in Philippians chapter 4 to what will allow us to stand firm in that joy.

Paul contends that we can hold our joy firm to the end if we:
  1. Let our gentleness to all reveal the true depth of the Gospel in our soul.
  2. Let our requests be made in the light of the Gospel when we are anxious.
  3. Let our mind proactively ruminate on the Gospel when we are not anxious.
  4. Let our expectations be solely on the promises offered to us in the Gospel.
We risk a life of anxiety and self-centered concern if we don't. This misses the point of our salvation and robs us of our joy.

Stand firm the joy of your salvation: rejoice, be gentle to all, pray and think like the Lord is near.

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