11 November 2009

"Knowing for Good (week 1): Leaders with Sound Life & Doctrine" (Titus 1:5-16)

Week 1 in our series on Paul's letter to Titus. This personal letter from Paul to his church-planting protege examines the place of "good works" in the lives of believers. So, for the next four weeks, we will be examining that connection while asking ourselves the question "What good works exist in our community because we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ?"

Summary: "Leaders with Sound Life & Doctrine"
The Gospel changes people. It breaks the heart of the self-indulgent and the self-righteous. It creates people who are "devoted to good works" not so they may be seen by men (Matthew 6:1-4) but to point to God, the source of any light in the world (Matthew 5:14-16).

Paul points out to Titus that the first step in creating a culture that lives in accordance with the sound doctrine of the Gospel is to build Gospel-centered leaders.

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