09 September 2009

The story of The Village Church and Matt Chandler at LeadershipJournal.net

From Leadership Journal's interview of Matt Chandler, a helpful introduction to the story of God's grace in a Gospel-centered 27 year-old and the church he was called to pastor.
On the flight to Dallas to interview Matt Chandler, lead pastor of
The Village Church in Highland Village, Texas, we read an article about the principles that should guide churches hoping to reach the younger generation. According to the author, the key is customization. The article stated that 18 to 30 year olds have grown up without boundaries, they create their own playlists on their iPods, and they don't want a church that sets high expectations or limits their options.

Obviously the author has never visited The Village Church.

When Chandler arrived at "The Village" in 2002, the church was in a season of restructuring. The primarily Boomer congregation of 150 invited Chandler (27 at the time) to bring a younger perspective...
Get the Village Church Podcast here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    That is an awesome article...
