19 September 2009

"Building the Bridge" Parenting Conference Greeley, CO October 2nd - 4th

Summitview Community Church of Greeley is hosting a parenting conference on October 2nd - 4th, 2009. The speakers, Steve and Kathleen Nelson, are dear friends of my family and passionate parents of eight. For over 13 years, Steve and Kath have been mentors for Shelli and I and we are grateful for their biblical example and playful friendship. Steve is one of the pastors at The Rio (a recent church plant in El Paso, Texas) and he has authored a tremendous book on parenting entitled Premeditated Parenting (a top hander-outer for us). He maintains a blog with the same name (which is a must read for parents!).

I encourage you to make the investment in your family. Spend some time sharpening your focus and building convictions for glory of God in the next generation! Registration is $35 and is due next Sunday, September 27th - (.pdf) here.

"Building a bridge is no easy task. You may be able to see where you are and know where you need to go, but getting from point A to point B is far from trivial. If a bridge is built without a plan and it is just slapped together piece by piece, there is little chance it will withstand the weight it needs to bear or the stress put on it by wind and storms.
Much of the strength of a bridge is in places most people will not look. Whether a bridge spans a body of water or soars over a valley, the piers that form the foundation of the bridge must be solid. The bridge may look good from the top, but the whole thing is at risk if the foundation is not properly established.
As parents, we may know where we are at right now with our kids and we may see where we need to go, but like any bridge builder, we have to have a solid plan. And we must build our children's lives on a solid foundation, or when storms come, their lives may crumble.
This conference is an opportunity for you as a parent (of kids of any age or even prospective parents) to learn what you need to make your plan and establish unshakable foundations. Our goal as parents, the other side of our 'bridge', is to see our children develop into adults that are not only capable and productive but that also desire to pursue God and His ways with all of their heart!
See you there!

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