07 March 2009

"New" News: Week 9 of '09

In the News
U.S. State Department "Dating Other People"
The times they are a-changin'.

Rebuffed at the White House 
All Things Considered, March 6, 2009 · President Barack Obama's gift of a set of DVDs to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown appalled the British media...more

Hillary Clinton and Co. warm to Syria (Times UK) (AP)

Quote(s) of the Week
"We are not going away. We will not be invisible. We have had it." 
ROBIN TYLER, an opponent of California's gay-marriage ban, after a challenge before the state Supreme Court

"Barack's name ain't Jesus. Barack ain't gonna improve your child's reading score. There are things we've got to do on our own."
THE REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT, Barack Obama's former pastor, warning against asking too much of the President

In the Arts
Good news indeed.  In one enigmatic tweet from Sufjan Stevens ("writing music"), the eclectic composer of "state-themed" albums like Michigan and Illinois shows some signs of compositional life.  Which state will be next?  (...a nice banjo and orchestral arrangement would greatly suit stories about 10,000 lakes, Paul Bunyan and Lake Itasca, in my humble opinion)
... a little sample from Steven's Michigan album.

Random Resources
Justin Taylor's "Between Two Worlds" blog was filled with helpful resources this week:
This post, stimulated by thoughts like this from C.S. Lewis on idolatry,
"(Sensual love) ceases to be a devil when it ceases to be a god. So many things--nay every real thing--is good if only it will be humble and ordinate.” (1940)
includes a great FAQ on the "lusts of the flesh" by David Powlison from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (example: "How can I tell if a desire is inordinate rather than natural?")(Desire 101: Putting First Things First)

Also, Talyor provides an excellent summary of this very in-depth collection of lectures on worship.

From Ligonier:
Interview with Sinclair Ferguson on his new book "In Christ Alone: Living The Gospel-Centered Life."  Ferguson's message at the Desiring God National Conference on James 3 and the tongue still haunts me 6 months after hearing it.

C.J. Mahaney's Productivity Series - C.J. has been writing some tremendously wise things about "making the most of every opportunity" at his blog.  I'll be reading the whole series this week. 

My friend Steve Nelson prepared this excellent Scripture Memory program for kids (their parents).  It is simple and systematic and thorough in content (240 verses total) and review (last fall my 9 year-old was able to recall 70 verses).

If you are looking for some commentaries, Best Commentaries has a comprehensive list and slick shopping function for purchasing from a variety of vendors.

Soul of the Author
This week I have been rejoicing in the fullness of the Gospel and feeling increasingly burdened to not waste my life.  I have been working to grow in prayer and fill in the margins of life with things that build more than entertain (watching messages, reading more, etc).  Life requires continual deepening in "knowledge and depth of insight", stasis will not do.

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